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Product Model: TMS-200 / TMS-300

Product Name: Thermo Shaker Incubator


  • The TMS-200/TMS-300 Turbo Thermo Shaker Incubator thermo shaker for microplates, tubes, and glass vials. Perfectly controlled 3-dimensional mixing prevents spilling and lid wetting


1. Thermo shaker for microplates, tubes, and glass vials


2. Fast shaking and mixing up to 3,000rpm


3. Perfectly controlled 3-dimensional mixing prevents spilling and lid wetting


4. 2 programmable soft keys, integrated vortex and short mix functions


5. Very small, light, efficient and quiet


6. Adapter plates:

● Microplates: - 96-, 384-,1536-well microplates/deepwell plates/PCR plates

● Holder: - 0.2ml PCR tubes holder, 0.5ml tubes holder,1.5/2.0ml tubes holder

- 15ml Micro tubes holder, 50ml Micro tubes holder

● Block: -10 types Aluminum blocks for user choosing

Thermo Shaker Incubator / TMS-200 / TMS-300

    Copyright 2019.

    LUSCIENCE all rights reserved.

    ​루사이언스 / 대표자: 임홍석

    사업자 등록번호 549-01-00443

    유해 화학 물질 ​시약판매업 신고확인번호 제106-181018호

    의료기기판매업신고번호 제 2016-3990029-00110호

    TEL 031-796-2955  /  FAX 031-796-2956

    사무실 : 경기도 하남시 미사대로 510, 한강미사아이에스비즈타워 1004~1005호

    창고 : 경기도 하남시 미사대로 510,한강미사아이에스비즈타워 1015호

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