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Animal blood과 tissues, cells, yeast, bacteria, 혹은 viruses에서 total DNA 를 분리 정제할 수 있습니다

  • 재현성 있는 DNA 분리 정제 — 다양한 sample에서의 신뢰성있는 결과를 위한 표준화된 방법
  • 고효율 — 분리 정제하기 어려운 특수 샘플에서도 효율적인 분리정제
  • 양질의 DNA — multiplex 또는 quantitative PCR에 적합
  • 최적화된 protocols — 다양한 starting materials
  • Formats for different throughput requirements — spin-column and 96-well high-throughput formats

DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kits provide fast and easy silica-based DNA purification in convenient spin-column and 96-well-plate formats. Most samples can be directly lysed with proteinase K, eliminating the need for mechanical disruption and reducing hands-on time. Optimized protocols for specific sample types provide reproducible purification of high-quality DNA for life science, genotyping, and veterinary pathogen research applications. Purification of DNA using the DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit can be automated on the QIAcube.

Qiagen, DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit [50prep], 69504

SKU: 69504

    Copyright 2019.

    LUSCIENCE all rights reserved.

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